For a Sunday flower photo I am going back to the middle of summer, early August actually, to a time when there were Monarch and other butterflies flitting everywhere in our garden on our flowers, and particularly on the two butterfly bushes (buddleia) we planted for them. I thought of this photo (perhaps some have seen it already) as I was removing the dead flowers. Now the butterflies have mostly all gone and so we must wait for their return next summer. However I have the memory of their bright colours and beauty to sustain me through the winter months ahead. And so I want to share this memory and the hope for another spring and another summer to give us a smile as we transition into the fall this week. Have a lovely day everyone! I send a warm hug out to all.
The Flower a Day Gallery shows all flowers in the galleryo. Each day a new photo will be added. There are now 17 to view. Click or tap to view full size.
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One of my favourites, Ellie, to be improved only by the addition of a monarch. Imagine the burst of colours in that one! Happiness is….
One of mine too, and also one of the first in this style. Not everything lends itself to this treatment. And a monarch (or even a hummingbird, also a frequent visitor to the buddleia) would have given a whole different feel to this. Thanks so much for your comment.
Beautiful and love when the butterflies are on it
Thanks Linda! So do I. It really comes to life with colour then!