Today’s Flower a Day is a departure from the usual in that it is a multiple exposure, not taken with the Helios lens. It was taken a few years ago for a different project and has been changed a bit to better fit this current one. We have all done that, I think – changed to better fit the present situation. It’s different, yes, but is this any less lovely than it was originally? No. We, too, are different, but still the same beauty is there in each of us. Let’s remember that. Adapting is what we have learned to do. And adapting is no doubt what we will continue to do. Look at this and keep smiling if you can today. Even under that mask. Or into the mirror. See? It’s still there. Put on some good music and do a little dance like this flower seems to be doing. I’m about to do the same. Until tomorrow, friends. Hugs all around!
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What a beautiful sight this is! 🙂 It does look like it’s dancing! Beautiful capture Ellie, love the colours 🙂
Thanks so much for your comment, Eleftheria. It is a favourite of mine and always gives me a lift when I see it.
I see Tinkerbell flitting around the garden waving her magic wand at all the sleeping plants, saying “Wake up, sleepy heads, Spring is here. Time to get start getting dressed for our annual party”. Regardless of the image it evokes in various heads and imaginations, It’s a wonderful photo, Ellie. It makes me smile. Thank you.
Excellent! Tinkerbell indeed! Thanks for that Janet. It made me smile, so that is a smile all around. 😀
It is lovely Ellie. Does look like it’s dancing and makes one feel like doing the same thing. Colours are bright light airy. Sending hug along to you thanks again for sharing.
I hope you did a little dance, though I fully understand that you might not feel like it right now. Hugs back.