Yellow Flower

Yellow Flower

These beautiful bursts of yellow along our walk have such a cheering effect on me as we walk by that I decided to share it with you all today. I thought this was a calendula (and perhaps it is) but now I am not so sure. My plant ID apps don’t give much of a clue, except for suggesting a type of Coreopsis. So if you know what the variety is or think you do, please let me know! Life has been so busy lately that it’s not always possible for me to get out on a long walk, but when I do I take my camera and never come home without some more photographs of flowers for you all. It turns out that this is a good thing, as the verges are suddenly all cut! All the beautiful flowers are gone. Happily, as I caught them before, there are still plenty of photographs to share with you, as long as you are happy to keep seeing them every day. Have a good week, my friends. A Flower a Day #310  (NB while I make every effort to identify the flowers posted, I make no guarantee that the name is correct. It’s about the photograph, not the name.:-)

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4 Responses

  1. You have my vote for a coreopsis of some variety. Sunshine by any name, is always welcomed and brings an equal level of good cheer and good spirits when it comes into one’s life. Today’s offering is an excellent candidate for WWAD. I consider it elected. Thank you, Ellie, for more bankable rays.

    1. Anytime you want a boost in the sunshine department, give me a shout, I’ll see what can do! Happy this was a success, at least. Thanks again, Janet.

  2. It is lovely bright and cheery. The frilly petals and the beautiful center mind you a little bit of a sunflower in the middle. Thanks again for sharing hope you have a great day.

    1. Thanks Linda! It’s certainly in the Aster family, that much we know for sure, along with sunflowers. It seems it is a coriopsis, possibly a caliopsis. I just love the beautiful colour and those frilled petals too. The day is going well so far, thanks!

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