Hibiscus flowers, like the one I shared last year, the blue chiffon double one, can be absolutely breathtaking to look at. This one is more subdued, being plain white, though with that lovely pink centre. Even so, it is still a beautiful bush to see in the front garden of a house that we pass on our regular walk. I found the strange, cream-coloured, nobbly protrubrance fascinating as it reminded me of pieces of cauliflower sticking out from a stem. Then my attention was drawn to the light shining through the translucent petals with those deep pink bursts of colour reaching up from the bottom of the flower. There is beauty in design all around us, even if at times we first perceive it as odd. Keep seeing the beauty as it is there! View all posts on the Home page. A Flower a Day #359
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The monthly and full Flower a Day Galleries with current content are below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 359 to view on the project.
- August 21: Click here
- July 21: Click here
- June 21: Click here
- May 21: Click here
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