Thin Leaf Coneflower

Thin Leaf Coneflower

Thin Leaf Coneflower

. We are moving along swiftly through the month, my friends, and the days are getting so much shorter that it seems almost as if the sunset is appearing on the heels of the sunrise! That might be a slight exaggeration, but it points out to me one great advantage of this time of year, which is that we can usually get to see both in our day. Last Friday night’s sunset, for example, was extraordinary, with multiple layers of deep red between dark storm clouds. Unfortunately I was driving and not able to photograph it for you, but try to imagine it, if you can. Most sunrises these days are also rather lovely and I don’t have to be too much of an early bird to see them in all their splendour. Enjoy this season for that reason, as soon enough the days will stretch and we risk missing seeing one or the other of these splendid gifts. The lovely gold and brown thin leaf coneflower is just a warm reminder of days to come when the gorgeous blooming scenes around us are enough to compensate us for sunrises that are out of reach. Flower a Day #465 View all posts on the Home page.

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