Red Dahlia Thread

Red Dahlia Thread

Red Dahlia Thread

It’s time for another cheery little red dahlia for today’s flower. It’s pretty obvious what attracted me to this in the first place, with its lovely deep, rich colour and the beautifully curled petals so neatly arranged. In writing that, I just recalled how our little cat Claudia will sit very neatly with her back arched, front and back legs pressed together just so, tail curled around the lot, like tying a package. Today I watched her arrange herself like that and she must have thought her legs were not perfectly aligned, as she adjusted one back foot an infinitesimal amount until it was to her satisfaction. But, going back to this pretty dahlia, if you examine it closely, you will notice that, although there is no insect present, we have a thread drawn across the petals as a reminder that one was there not long ago. I suppose I could have removed the thread, but actually I liked the evidence of the absence. Have a lovely day, everyone, hugs to all. Flower a Day #504 View all posts on the Home page.  

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