Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Anne’s Lace

This Queen Anne’s Lace was an early catch in my Flower a Day project, but a favourite flower of mine, as it is a complete bouquet of tiny flowers sprayed out like a bridal bouquet in white. This is not my first share of this lovely flower in this project and maybe not the last. But I am happy to bring it to you today all to remind myself (and you, my viewers) of these tall, light and airy plants that grace the verges and fields in the warm and drowsy summer. Those days will return (though they seem a lifetime away from this deep freeze we find ourselves in). Keep the faith everyone! We will see summer again! (If you have missed any posts, you can see all the project posts here: Flower a Day). To view the info and gallery…

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4 Responses

  1. Queen Anne’s Lace – sounds pretty elegant, doesn’t it? But it has lowly roots, literally, being of the wild carrot species. It also ubiquitous, attempting to provide a bit of gentility to our meadows and roadsides, and it has many royal pretenders, very wicked imposters, six lookalikes or wannabes which can all cause skin irritations if touched. They are Giant Hogweed, Poison Hemlock, Spotted Water Hemlock, Cow Parsnip. Wild Parsnip and Common Yarrow . Just as a warning, the first three can even be fatal. Queen Anne’s Lace itself can also bring on skin irritation for some sensitive individuals. The moral of this story is be sure to ask for proper identification before shaking hands with this plant, dainty as it, and taking it home to adorn your table. It is best admired from afar and left in its natural setting to greet its public. Thank you, Ellie.

    1. 10 out of 10 for this one, too, Janet!
      In fact I can even attest to the toxicity of the giant hogweed myself, as I got affected by it back in the late 60s and have the dubious distinction of having a photograph of my leg in the British medical journal under an article about this toxic plant.
      thanks again for all the information as well as the warnings which, come summer, could well be timely! I don’t see too much risk around here with all the snow at the moment!
      Have a great day, Janet

  2. Thanks Ellie we are all looking forward to the return of Summer when we can see the beautiful flowers up close and personal for ourselves. I think you will have a lot more flower hunters in the summer spring fall. I’m really intrigued with the little almost red like heart in the middle of those particular flowers. Thanks again for sharing hope you have a great day.

    1. I know I will be a lot more observant of the flowers around me when they begin to appear this year! Thanks Linda. I know what you mean about the little red centres, but strangely I couldn’t seem to find any this year. Perhaps I started looking too late? Another to watch for this year. Have a great day, Linda.

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