I have shared a stone clover image, back in early June – flowers that were along the roadway on one of my walks. This time, though, these are in my ‘rewilding’ patch that I sowed, working together with the raccoons and skunks, you might recall. My project has not given me the results I was hoping for, but there are a few flowers that have sprung up here and there that I recognise from the packages of seeds I bought. This lovely fuzzy pink stone clover, though, isn’t mentioned on any of them! So it appears to have been another volunteer in my project. I love volunteers and this sweet pink one was too lovely to leave without a photograph to share for you all today. Happy Wednesday, all. A Flower a Day #333
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The August Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 333 to view on the full Flower a Day gallery.
A gallery of flowers shared on a daily basis to cheer myself and hopefully you, the viewer too, during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic period. Posts from August 2021
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A more apt name for this stone clover might be its alias, hare’s foot clover. I could offer another one of my own as well, bottle brush clover. However it is referred to won’t alter the fact that this plant improves the soil where it grows and provides an effective treatment for diarrhea if required. Bees love it and for me, that’s the best recommendation a plant can have. Thank you, Ellie, for making it another pink day.
I like the name hare’s foot clover, with its soft fuzzy appearance. That is so appropriate. And I’m glad that it amends the soil and is good for the bees, so even if my wild garden is not yet what I was hoping for, at least something is earning its keep. Thank you again, Janet.