This lovely flower was almost hiding from view under some trees in our garden and so I came upon it completely by chance. Well, perhaps not completely by chance as I was cutting the grass under those trees and there it was! I imagine that I have seen it at some point in the past years, but it had really become so overgrown that any blooms it might have had were buried in the undergrowth. Steven had spent some time last year cutting back the dead wood and the unproductive sections to give it some air and light and it really paid off this year. It is such a delicate, beautiful pink colour, quite a different one from the reds and white ones we have. These flowers really do very well in our acid soil and under the mature trees and always give me a thrill of delight when I examine the flowers up close as they are so beautifully designed. You can click or tap to view in large in the gallery directly now, a new development on my posts. Doesn’t this show how a little (or a lot) of hard work pays when it comes to gardens? This also works in so many other areas of life, on reflection. So enjoy your day, filled with beauty or the hard work that might lead to it. View all posts on the Home page. A Flower a Day #374
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The monthly and full Flower a Day Galleries with current content are below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 374 to view on the project.
- August 21: Click here
- July 21: Click here
- June 21: Click here
- May 21: Click here
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