I loved the colours of this landscape on that overcast November day, I remember. The colours always seem so much richer, deeper, stronger and at the same time gentler when the sun is not brightly showcasing them. That November afternoon there was a storybook quality about the scene, which made me stop the car on a busy road and get out to capture the moment. At any given moment, no scene ever looks the same as at any other time. The elements change, the light changes and suddenly you are seeing a different view altogether to the one you passed only yesterday, or even 10 minutes ago. That was surely the case here as I have passed this scene hundreds of times since then and never seen that same special quality in it since.
Original Post:This would have been post #312/366 for my Photo a Day 366 project in 2012.
Unfortunately the original post is lost. But the photo is not and it is one of my favourites from that year. But… that’s not the first time you have read that here, I know! Okay, I admit that I have more than a few favourites from that time. I only hope you all enjoy seeing them through the eyes of my memories.