Mizuna Mustard

Mizuna Mustard flower
Mizuna Mustard flower

Today’s Flower a Day is a treat in more than one respect. It’s a Mizuna Mustard flower, a brassica from my indoor hydroponic garden. It is spicy, lovely, vigorous and productive. Maybe someone you know has those qualities? You see it here with red leaves from some of my lettuces as well as its own (delicious) deeply lobed leaves. I seem to spend a lot of time caring for this garden all year round, which is fine with me, as it ensures I have fresh greens through the winter and until the outdoor garden begins producing. I grow different varieties of lettuce, arugula (rocket), mustards, kale, dwarf pak choy and herbs and start my tomato, broccoli and pepper plants there before transplanting into the garden. All of this is in my living room! So welcome into my home garden, readers. Enjoy the feast!

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4 Responses

  1. I love that picture Ellie. The bright yellow flowers with a green contrast in the background. Flower stand out so nice and the rest of the background sort of faded.

  2. Very educational, Ellie. I assume you eat those sweet flowers, as they are high in vitamins and minerals, along with the leaves. It looks like it’s having the ride of a lifetime aboard the rollercoaster of growth. Yippee! Spring is here! Thank you, Ellie. I think I’ll have a salad for dinner.

    1. Deliciously spicy they are too! My garden certainly seems to be happy where it is and with the care, fortunately for us! And I am delighted that Spring is there or you. Send a little our way, please. And enjoy your salad, Janet. Thank you!

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