Hen and Chicks

Hen and Chicks
Hen and Chicks

This little plant was given to me by a friend and for the first year or two sat in a little pot before I found the right spot to plant it. There have been no chicks, unfortunately, but this year it has decided to flower and these interesting spiky blooms have risen on a long stalk, totally changing the look of the plant completely. Apparently this spells the end of this plant, but there will be new ones to follow, I have learned. I send this to you today in hopes that you might have some pleasant surprises in your day, friends! A Flower a Day #314  (NB while I make every effort to identify the flowers posted, I make no guarantee that the name is correct. It’s about the photograph, not the name.:-)

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4 Responses

  1. So, you have a rooster, which this bloom is called when it appears at the end of the lifecycle for the Hen-and-chicks but also signifies the start of a new cycle. You will soon receive a new rosette(s) and the cycle will start again. I like this quaint description of the ‘family’ of hen-and-chicks . There’s nothing to be done. Nature takes care of it all. Just keep a watch for the family to come. And when it does, I hope to hear you crow. Thank you, Ellie, for giving us into how this plant gets renewed.

  2. Lovely Ellie. I don’t know if I’ve seen hens and chickens in bloom before. But the flower reminds me of a starfish. The different colours on the petals are very nice. Thanks again for sharing.

    1. It’s true, they do look as spiky as starfish do (though live ones are, I think, quite soft). I am glad that you liked this offering, thanks, Linda!

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