Ground Ivy

Ground Ivy
Ground Ivy

Among the tiniest flowers I have photographed (another one taken with me lying flat on the ground), these spots of blue are pretty much everywhere at the moment as the ground ivy plant can be invasive. By now you probably know that I am not prejudiced against a flower simply because it might be a nuisance in some settings. A flower is, after all, a flower and could be a bright spot in someone’s day, however small. A friend of mine made a tea from it yesterday and said it was delicious. I know that I was intrigued when I photographed it as I had no idea what it was, though obviously I have trodden it underfoot for years, completely unaware of its hardy tenacity. I wonder what other new discoveries I will make in the coming days? When I do, you know I will share them with you. Have a lovely day everyone. I am sending hugs to all. A Flower a Day #235

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4 Responses

  1. Size is unimportant if you are sure of yourself…and if this is the plant that also goes by the name of creeping charlie, then stubborn and pig-headed can also be applied. It’s pretty now, but once the flower goes, watch out! Your grass will go too. Here I am speaking from experience. It’s supposed to be edible. Maybe that’s my revenge and defence. The flower is its. And a good defence it is. Thank you, Ellie.

    1. Now I’m scared! However the raccoons have already put paid to a lot of the grass (and any other things that were in the way of their grub dinners). So I hope that this little patch of ground ivy will stay where it is, and if not I will do my best to defeat it. It makes a nice tea I am told, with medicinal properties. Thank you, Janet! Forewarned is forearmed. 😀

  2. Thanks Ellie, it’s a very unique looking little plant. Again amazing colors. I will have to keep my eye open for this one. It is a bright spot that’s for sure. We need all we can get. Hugs back to you and Steve.

    1. And thank you, Linda. Yes, we really do need bright spots, any we can get just now. Sending a hug until we can have a real one.

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