Garden Star

Garden Star-of-Bethlehem
Garden Star-of-Bethlehem

What a delicate little flower, hiding in the woods this is, with such an intricate beautiful pattern in the centre! I can’t believe I never noticed it before, as with so many of my finds. Today the weather is supposed to be drizzly but quite a bit warmer, so that will be a lot nicer than it has been lately. I know it’s a case of just getting down to it, but somehow with damp windy cold days I just can’t seem to get up the energy to go out and plant potatoes – though I actually did that yesterday, despite the cold. I find it especially difficult when I have an SD card full of flower images to prepare for you all and it’s tempting to just sit in the studio at my computer. But there is a time for everything and so the garden comes first. We have to eat, after all and there is little to beat the taste of home grown vegetables. Have a good day, everyone, hopefully productive and busy, whether indoors or out. A flower a Day #261  

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4 Responses

  1. Another member of the asparagus family, which, it turns out, is wonderfully broad and diverse. This star of Bethlehem is stunningly beautiful. Talk about hiding your flame under a bushel, this little woodland flower does this in spades. It is a masterpiece of art and Ellie has done it justice in bringing out from under it’s bushel. Thank you, Ellie, for revealing its exquisite features.

  2. Thanks Ellie I think I have them growing in my yard. I will have to wait for some sun as the close when it is dull. They are lovely.

    1. Yes, I don’t think they are rare, you probably do! Somehow I don’t think today will be the day, though. Have a good day anyway! Thanks Linda I’m

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