Carmine Gomphrena

Carmine Gomphrena

Carmine Gomphrena

Welcome to October! This carmine beauty is also growing in our neighbour’s farm that I have mentioned a few times lately – Seven Acres Farm. When I was wandering around a few weeks ago (all the way back in August, now that I think about it!!) I spotted these lovely small flowers that are like brilliant dots with their pale centres and outstretched arms – so pretty in the detail when you look closely at them. They remind me a bit of everlasting flowers I have posted in the past and I found out that these flowers last for a lot longer than the helichrysums and also dry well, retaining their colour for dried displays in the winter. Snow season is not here yet (we still have the glory of autumn to look forward to) but this seems a perfect way to preserve some of the summer colour to keep our spirits up during the cold months to come when we spend so much time indoors. Enjoy the splash of colour today, my friends. Along with a warm hug. You can click or tap the image above to view in large in the gallery directly now, a new development on my posts. View all posts on the Home page.  A Flower a Day #384 

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The monthly and full Flower a Day Galleries with current content are below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 384 to view on the project.