Now if we are talking about plants that invade the garden, this one must be one of the top contenders for first place. I was lying on my stomach photographing (and admiring) a patch of these beautiful little flowers, wondering why I hadn’t noticed them before. I got the photograph and carried on taking other ones and gardening (preparing the wild flower areas as the raccoons have stopped assisting me) and then I began to look around me. They are everywhere! My entire lawn and the field adjoining are covered in them. Whether they are invasive or not, they have gorgeous tiny flowers each cupped within their lovely coloured leaf. I’m sure they might totally destroy the grass, but then I hope that they might provide something useful for pollinators. That would redeem them for me, doing far more good than a boring green lawn. If anyone local wants any of these to start off their own invasion, contact me and we can arrange an exchange somehow. (I’m just kidding, I’m sure they are already in your lawns.) These are well worth a closeup view in the gallery if you have a minute to check it out. A flower a Day #246
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A gallery of flowers shared on a daily basis to cheer myself and hopefully you, the viewer too, during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic period. Posts from May 2021
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Yes this unassuming beautifully coloured plant is a sprawling ground cover, a member of the mint family and may have medicinal properties to boot. It wears its accomplishments well, sitting quietly waiting to be appreciated but happy to just do its part – which is to bring life and a rich hue of blue to the ground for others to take note, if they so choose. Thank you, Ellie, for taking note.
I’m so glad to share the appreciation for this under appreciated little beauty, Janet. Thank you for the lovely comment. I’m always happy to hear that you enjoy seeing the plants whose flowers I like so much.
Thanks a lot ellie. I probably do have some in our lawn. Anyway it always amazes me the color the designs the depth in those flowers. Thanks again for sharing the picture but I guess I’ll pass on the sharing of the actual plant thanks anyway. Hugs .
So tiny and so intricate, I agree Linda! Thank you for the comment and if you should change your mind on the plant itself, just let me know. Or just bring a bucket and trowel and just dig.