
#500 Evening Primrose

#500 Evening Primrose

We have reached a milestone, my friends! You are reading post number 500 in this project. In that whole time I have never missed a single day. Of course I never expected that after such a long time there would still be a need to make an effort to keep myself and others cheerful, but I am realising that it’s not just related to the current pandemic and that there is always a need. I don’t know how long I will continue posting, but while I still have photographs of flowers and there are still people who enjoy seeing them, I will do so. As for today’s photo, I know many were expecting something spectacular, like fireworks exploding. Honestly, I didn’t know what flower would be fantastic enough to post to celebrate this post, but on reflection I realised that even the simplest of flowers is more amazing than this achievement of mine. With this in mind, I decided on this perfectly simple wildflower, the Evening Primrose. It grows around here in abundance, not fields of them, but in patches, and it’s always a pleasure to come across one. They may not be flamboyant as many flowers are, but they are beautiful in their simplicity and they keep going in the least hospitable environments. And the yellow is so bright and refreshing.We could do worse than imitate them – not worry about being flamboyant, but being content with the simple beauty that we all have, and being as bright and refreshing as we can, despite whatever situations we are facing. Hugs to all who read this. Flower a Day #500 View all posts on the Home page.

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The monthly and full Flower a Day Galleries with current content are below. Each day a new photo will be added. With todayā€™s post there are now 500 to view on the project.