Alpine Aster

Alpine Aster, Michaelmas Daisy, or Aspen Daisy
Alpine Aster, Michaelmas Daisy or Aspen Daisy

This is one of my happiest finds for World Wild Aspen day! (Yes, it’s that time again for our A Flower a Day project.) I had had a discussion with a viewer who asked me if we had any dark blue ones in our area, but up to that point I had never seen any. Shortly after that exchange, on my regular walk, not even anywhere particularly exotic, but on the opposite side of the road to my usual, I spotted this single clump of dark blue asters. My search brought up several names for it including Alpine Aster and Aspen Daisy which were both new to me. The Michaelmas Daisy name was familiar, but I love the new, more exotic ones which conjure up images of Colorado (Aspen) and Switzerland (Alpine), at a time when the only travelling I can do is in my head! Let your imagination take you where you will today – Europe or wherever you like with these lovely blue blooms. I hope they divert you enough to briefly banish any cares you may have today, my friends.

The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 89 to view. Click or tap to view full size.

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6 Responses

  1. Who doesn’t love a daisy, or an aster!? Simple elegance, the quintessential flower, outreaching petals with a contrasting but complimentary coloured button in its centre…and oh, the range of colours. They run the gamut. Serving faithfully to brighten dark corners of the woods, add to the mosaic in meadows, liven the sides of roads and walkways or gather collectively in cultivated gardens, they are a welcome, and often, unexpected sight. Hip, hip hooray for World WIld Aster Day! Thank you, Ellie.

    1. I am, like you, constantly drawn to the different coloured Asters – those trying to be incognito, hiding behind other names, as well as those loudly proclaiming their family ties. There is not one I have seen that didn’t appeal. There may well be 365 different ones, one per day, so there could be a WWAD every day of the year!Thanks Janet!

  2. I love the name you found for this lovely flower which I have seen at the edge of Loggers’ Way on my walks.also your cheerful message!

  3. Morning Ellie thanks again for the beautiful bright flower. I love the colour contrasting centers they are a gorgeous flower and it’s so nice to see them in large clusters along the sides of the roads, they really brighten up the fall.

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