Sometimes people write a comment about my various flower shares to say that one or another reminds them of their mothers. For me, Petunias will do it every time. When I was a child living in the town of Mount Royal, a bed with petunias lined our short drive and I seem to remember my mother tending them. She must have loved them as they are the only flower I remember from my childhood. So today’s flower, in the garden bed of a friend (thanks J) is a memory of my own mother. Maybe it was the flower of the times, in the mid 1950’s in Canada? I have a feeling that hers were that lovely striped variety I have shared here. In any case, if this flower brings back happy memories of your mother or anyone else, or even a happy time, then I will be content. Have a lovely day friends. We have sun and heat here. A Flower a Day #265 (NB while I make every effort to identify the flowers I post, I make no guarantee that the name is correct. It’s about the photograph, not the name.)
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The Flower a Day June 21 Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 265 to view in the project. Click or tap to view full size.
A gallery of flowers shared on a daily basis to cheer myself and hopefully you, the viewer too, during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic period. Posts from June 2021
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Radiating sunshine and happiness in their simplicity…a perfect example of less being more. No wonder your mom liked them. As I commented in a previous post, pansies are the flower I associate with my mother
However, there is an association also for this flower. It comes in the form of a song she sang, “I’m a lonely little petunia in an onion patch…”. I guess they come as singles but I have yet to see one that was not a part of a group. So, for me, a single petunia in an onion patch has become the very definition of loneliness. Thank goodness there’s no inkling of that here as these two lovelies show their joy in this post to us. Thank you, Ellie, for sending us their sunniness.
I do seem to remember our conversation about that very song in the past, Janet. And as you say, this photograph is depicting companions, being bright and sunny together. So the thought of the epitome of loneliness is banished, at least briefly, as we look at them. Pansies are another often associated with mothers, as you say about yours. I can almost picture her, or at least the essence of her as I felt it when I knew her back then. Thanks for that memory. And the comment.
Yes, no mistaking these for anything else. Definitely petunias!!
And nice ones
I’m glad you agree with me on the
diagnosisidentification, Jim! Glad you like it!Lovely Ellie and amazing colour. Looks like little trumpets. Little bit of sunshine for this rainy day which hopefully will clear off this afternoon.
Thanks Linda. Yes, a bit of sunshine, (when I wrote that it was sunny…). But we need the rain, too, especially as Steven planted his dahlias in last night! Perfect timing, I call it.