Supermoon,  August 10, 2014

Sometimes you can't go anywhere special to take a photograph. Sometimes the subject comes to you. Or is everywhere (almost). Barring cloudy skies, the supermoon was there for us all. And it almost didn't matter where you were to photograph it, because as long as you could get it in your viewfinder, the foreground was almost irrelevant. I wanted in this case, though, to include the soft pinky clouds that were under it as it rose, as well as the trees, giving some context to where I was when I took it. Anyone can take a photograph of the moon, many with far longer lenses than I. But only I took it from the field behind our house and the trees make this unique to me. I was pleased with the details in the moon, as well.

This supermoon was the closest to the earth this year, at its apogee, so looked the largest. 

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Was for #wordlessonwednesday  

19 Responses

  1. Thanks to all for the plus ones and comments. I have now added my description to the posting above, if you want to read about the photograph, as I was not allowed to yesterday, according to the rules of #wordlessonwednesday  

    +שלמה ארגוב thanks 

    Thank you +Cheryl Machat Dorskind 

    +Shelly Gunderson – thanks!

    I agree, +Joyce Fay, he is. While eating his green cheese.

    +Dag Travner – yes, it was. I wrote about it now, in the posting. Thanks a lot.

    Thanks very much +Becky Humphreys 

    LOL +Susanne Stelle – for sure!

    It is a very small (and wonderful) world, +Ursula Klepper – and the thought is one that I really like. Thanks, my friend.

    Thank you so much dear +Sofie Løve Forsberg 

    Many thanks +Sumit Sen 

    Thank you +Linda Jess – taken from right by the house in the field behind. 😀

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