I liked one of the comments on my original posting, made by +Jasbir S. Randhawa and so I have borrowed it for the title of this image. Originally posted for #wordlessonwednesday , the image had no title, no caption and no text with it (to comply with the 'rules'). I have to say that I also liked some of the other comments which would have made an excellent title, such as "6 feet, not quite under' by +John Ashton.
These were, indeed, happy feet, feet belonging to friends on a walk on the beach which has some areas of lovely reddish sand. The fourth set of happy feet which are missing from the scene are the four belonging to Joni, our dog, as she was, no doubt, running along the shore with her ball in her mouth at the time this was taken.
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Thanks a lot +Gina Beck – I'm glad you like it.:D
Love this Happy Feet Photo Ellie. ((:
You are so lucky +Liz C! I went to see if you had a picture up and saw your pretty door shot!
+Ellie Kennard HeHe! It's by no means original, but it's what immediately came to mind when I saw the image! Cheers, Ellie! :-)))
Find the time to do it, +Christina Lihani and see if you feel the difference. +Joseph Mercola had the video about this effect on his profile a few days ago if you want to check it out.
You will never offend me by commenting about my toes, +Ursula Klepper
Great title! :o) Oh I know that the sand on your beach is waiting for us, lol … ;o) (I hope I didn't offended you with my "toes" comment!)
Great commentary you've added to the photo +Ellie Kennard! I need to get my barefeet onto the grass (since there's no sand).
Thanks to all who commented on my wordless post yesterday. I have today posted my comment, with a title provided by +Jasbir S. Randhawa from his comment and a tip of the hat to +John Ashton, whose was also worthy of being a title or caption for it.
+Christina Lihani – if you read the posting now attached to it, you will see how right you are (and why you are right) to feel you need it. 😀
+Maria H Thomaz – interesting thought.
+Liz C 🙂 and if you also read the comment you will understand maybe why it felt so good!
+Ursula Klepper – I have always had weird toes like that. They are sort of double jointed. But they are as relaxed as it gets when I stand on them! You are welcome to come to our sandy beaches as soon as you can, but you know that!
Thank you, +Sunny Wu
Thanks a lot, Sumit.
Thank you +Mari Luukkonen – and fun it was to do. 😀
Thanks +Jasbir S. Randhawa and you got the title of the posting!
+Ellie Kennard Happy feet! :-)))
This is fun!
Love this! 🙂
Wonderful Shot!!!
These toes in the front are not so relaxed …. Lol! I also definitely need some sandy beach under my feet! :o)
I was just on one yesterday +Christina Lihani, oh it felt so good….
A different path for each foot, for each soul, for each destiny.
That's what I need: a sandy beach to walk on!
Six feet, not quite under. 🙂