White and Gold Foxgloves

White and Gold Foxgloves

White and Gold Foxgloves

By contrast to our little wild poppy of yesterday, today’s display is a cultivated and gorgeous white and gold spray of foxgloves, grown by my green-fingered friend, Jane. This girl grows the most beautiful flowers in every corner of her garden and tends them as if they were her children. As a result they flourish as if they were ‘weeds’. I have an open invitation to photograph them, which is kind of her, and she loves to photograph them herself. These particular blooms have such lovely gold dots on them that I almost didn’t recognise them as the foxgloves I am used to seeing and wrote to ask her to be sure. I didn’t actually realise that they are dangerous to touch as they can transfer toxins to the eyes or mouth. In this case a photograph is a safe way to admire them. Enjoy your day, my friends, whatever you are doing. Flower a Day #483 View all posts on the Home page.  

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