Which way did I come in here?-119/365

Shelly got me in a ladybird mood yesterday and I was sitting on the grass (in my bug shirt) watching a Frisbee game going on when this little lady happened by. There seemed to be so much grass. And such a small ladybird. How does she find her way around? Much better to fly, I think.

Do you know what kind it is, +Stephen Thackeray?

HQSP Natural Other #hqspnaturalother +HQSP Natural Other curated by +Daniel Taylor +Joakim Hagen Abrahami +Stefanie Schächtel

Buggy Friday  curated by  +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +Dorothy Pugh #BuggyFriday +Buggy Friday
Buggy Lunch  curated by  +Mandy Allen +Kim Sinclair #buggylunch +Buggy Lunch

21 Responses

  1. This is such a wonderful capture Ellie! Today I saw my first ladybug this year, I was so happy that I had my camera in my hand trying to shoot this and that in my garden … and then after the second try my memory card was full! … and then the ladybug flew away … so I am glad to see this image now! :o)

  2. I'm glad you do, thanks so much +Leslie Sutton – and the same to you.

    It is, for us even, +Kim Sinclair – so just imagine what it is on an even tinier level! Thank you for your thoughts.

    +Paul Brown  (not sure which site monitor you mean, but) thank you very much for the compliment.

    Thank you very much +Sumit Sen 

    Thanks +Patt Dickson

    +HQSP Natural Other and +Wayne Lu thanks so much. And thanks for resharing the image and for your encouragement.

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