Now, can you guess what it is?
I do have a dog who stays focused on a Frisbee in Steven's hand, waiting for it to be thrown, so no prizes for guessing that I do have a picture of that. Sorry about the lack of bumblebee. Enjoy yet another this picture of Joni! It looked better in monochrome than in colour, this time. She is, after all, black and white!
HQSP Monochrome curated by +Anja Wessels +Joy mum +Luis Vivanco S. +Massimiliano Marsiglietti +Оксана Крысюкова #hqspmonochrome +HQSP Monochrome
#dogloversworldwide +DOG LOVERS Worldwide by +Robert SKREINER +Roswitha Böhmer +Tom Crews
#hqspanimals +HQSP Animals curated by +Alejandro J. Soto +Krystina Isabella Brion +Andy Smith
#noapologies #bordercollie #puppy #JonisDiary #AdayinthelifeofJoni #fansofJoni
#fidofriday +Fido Friday by +mel peifer +Lisa Lisa +Suhaib Ayaz +Wes Lum
10000 Photographers BW curated by +Robert SKREINER +Victor Westerhout #10000photographersBWmonochrome +10000 Photographers BW
All Things Monochrome curated by +Charles Lupica +Ludwig Keck +Brian Cox +Enrique Pelaez #allThingsMonochrome +All Things Monochrome
Black and White Photos curated by +Gemma Costa +Ambrogio Bellotti #blackandwhitephotos +Black and White Photos
Monochrome World curated by +andi rivarola #monochromeworld +Monochrome World
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