The tiny bunches on this plant are well worth stopping to examine, with their tiny spiky filaments on those beautiful rich pink and white florets. The family they belong to has apparently about 600 members and is also called Sedum. It is really happy growing on any dry rocky soil and although it will spread it is not invasive and easy to remove if it starts to get out of hand. The name indicates that it is low growing, or possibly that it has sedative properties according to a quick Google search. I could certainly sit calmly and look at it for hours, so I hope you enjoy this brief glimpse of a relaxing plant today. I hope the rest of the day is equally calm for you. View all posts on the Home page. A Flower a Day #351
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The August Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 351 to view on the project.
A gallery of flowers shared on a daily basis to cheer myself and hopefully you, the viewer too, during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic period. Posts from August 2021
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Hi Ellie … yes like that one and now i could get all techo and say I like the composition and the out of focus flower in the background to balance etc etc … But not me, so yeah just like that one to start the day … cheers … Oh I had missed the butterfly and so I will enjoy that one too 🙂
Thank you, Len! That is high praise indeed, coming from you. I hope you are both well and coping with the situation. I hope you enjoyed the butterfly. XO
Perfect for a PFD when it is too hot to move. I will just sit and admire each tiny floret along with you, Ellie, till the cows come home or the weather changes and brings relief. Thank you, Ellie, for such a contemplative shot.
I really hope this helped to cool your day and lighten the humidity a little. I know you’re a fan of PFD so I’m glad to oblige as often as I can. Thanks again for the kind comment.
They are lovely Ellie. Such delegate looking pretty little pink flowers. Thanks again for sharing hope you have a great day hugs to you and Steve
Thanks again, Linda. And thanks for your faithful commenting. It can’t be easy to say something every day. I appreciate it and you.