Spotted Jewelweed

Spotted jewelweed
Spotted jewelweed, impatiens capensis

For today’s Flower a Day photograph I had to jump down into a ditch and get onto my hands and knees to get it. I’m happy that I did as the little face on this is one of the cheeriest I have found. It might be a weed to some, but to me it was a wonderful find and I’m so glad to share it with you today. Tomorrow is a special share as it is our 39th wedding anniversary. I have to choose exactly the right photograph – one of my favourites – to commemorate the occasion! Have a good day my dear friends. Until tomorrow.

The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post and additional throwback post image there are now 96 to view. Click or tap to view full size.

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4 Responses

  1. Oh, it looks like a baby orchid to me. I think I’ve mistaken this pretty baby for one on my walks this fall…and got all excited, only to find out it was nothing so exotic. Of course, orchids don’t grow wild in Canada. However, one can dream, can’t one? So, in my mind, this is Canada’s wild orchid. It also comes in a variety of colours and markings, each one exquisite in its own right and adds value to my walks’ discovery quotient. This one has glorious colour and hangs like a drop of sunlight from its stem. Thank you, Ellie.

    1. I am absolutely with you on nominating this as our very own wild Orchid! It is such a pretty little Orchid like thing, why should it not bear such an exotic title? Just because it was found in a ditch? More power to it for overcoming the obstacle of its environment while maintaining its dignity and beauty! I have so far only seen the orange variety but will look out for the other colours next year! Thank you Janet.

  2. Good morning Ellie. It is a jewel. Love the beautiful colour, love the little intricate design inside. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Linda. I am amazed at the little jewels hiding in plain site in our ditches and on the banks and woods. I am so happy to discover them and to share!

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