Rose of Erin

Rose Perfection
Rose Perfection

This glorious rose is growing outside my dentist’s and almost made me late for my appointment as I gazed at it. I asked her if she knew the name of it for my post and she said that a gardener patient thought it was a Seven-Sisters rose. It’s true there are 7 blooms on each spray, as you see here and after doing a little research I found that name is for one officially called Rosa Multiflora, with many names including floribunda and baby rose. As that particular variety blooms in early summer, I am not sure if this is really the name as we were well on into late August when I took this photograph. So, in honour of my dentist, a kind friend who does everything she can to support local artists I have decided to call this post by her name. The name the plant is given isn’t important at all: it’s the beautiful qualities that matter, as it does for people. If you are able to be near a good friend today, give a hug in whatever way you are able, as they enrich our lives, even more than flowers do. A Flower a Day #349 View all posts on the Home page.

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4 Responses

  1. Beautiful! Baby roses in their best bonnets are out enjoying the sun next to Mama. A perfect PFD. Thank you, Ellie, for this rosy day.

  2. It is beautiful Ellie. And quite unique in the way it blossoms. The one full bloom and all the buds ready to break out and contrasting colors I can see why you would be mesmerized by it. Thanks again for sharing hope you have a great day hugs to you and Steve

    1. Thanks Linda, for the comment and the hugs. I always appreciate both.It is a real beauty. I’m glad I had my camera with me. Enjoy your day.

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