I know, I know. Another Flower a Day pink centre Aster for another World Wild Aster Day! (Not the same photo! Would I do that to you?) You can’t really complain when you see these beauties, with their raspberry coloured centres. How can they fail, with their cheery profusion to dispel any gloomy feelings we might be having? So bear with the repetition and let the joyful little blooms lift you to a happier place… if they can. I am going to do just that! To view the info and gallery…
The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 116 to view. Click or tap to view full size.
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Yay…another WWAD! An excellent reason to get up in the morning, especially when this happy grouping of pink-centred beauties is waiting for you in your inbox. These are another exquisite example of not just asters but of flora in general. They are a flower-within-a-flower. The white outstretched outer petals, the aster insignia, make it unmistakeably a member of the aster family. Then, while your gaze moves from the grouping to the individual, the rosy centre appears as another flower trying to break free from the white petals. It’s a bonus! Two flowers in one! It’s not just an aster affair, it’s a floral festival. Thank you, Ellie.
I just KNEW you would approve of another WWAD! I can never get enough of them and so far…. I haven’t had any unsubscribe in disgust at the profusion of asters on the site. It might still happen. The floral festival that is this raspberry aster pushed all my buttons for today and I was not going to deny it. Thanks again Janet!
They are wonderful ellie. A nice burst of colour and light pick me ups. I’m used to seeing the blue ones I’m not sure I’ve ever really seen these, but they’ve obviously got to be around here somewhere. Thanks again enjoy your day.
I don’t think I had noticed these myself, before! There is one patch right by the tree next to the workshop, and the other is at the bottom of our field as you turn right to go across the little footbridge. Just there! We’ll look next year.
Thanks Linda