Steven is responsible for today’s Flower a Day offering once again! He really has a knack for bringing out the best of the blooms on his violets and this one is a beautiful one again. Thanks to his violet/green thumb, my window ledges are full of colour and it seems that every day he is watering and feeding some of them. It’s almost a full time job. It’s like friendships. They need constant care to keep them alive and fulfilling, especially at a time when perhaps we just feel like burying ourselves in our homes and keeping ourselves to ourselves. Call or text a friend, or better still have a video chat to let them know you are thinking of them. That might be just what they need to lift them out of the doldrums.
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Purple and white violets, so soft and dewy-eyed, peering eagerly out from behind one another like a group of young school girls waiting eagerly for the parade to come by. That’s how I feel when I sense the warm sun on my face – a recognition that warmer times are on their way as I turn towards the rays to soak them up. I can relate, Ellie. Thank you.
You really do make so many of my flowers have these unique personalities, Janet! Thank you for this vision of young girls in their finery. Warm sun will do it, so I hope you get some of that today, too.
It is beautiful Ellie. Can’t help but give a lift to anybody that sees it. Looking forward to coming down and seeing them all again soon. Thanks again for sharing, hope you have a good day.
I know, we miss seeing you and watching you doing your tour of the violet family, Linda! Thanks for the comment, my friend.