Mystery flowers seem to be the order of the day/week/month! This beautiful delicate spray seems to be a type of brassica, a mustard of sorts, no doubt delicious, though I confess I left it uneaten and only admired and photographed it in situ for your daily flower enjoyment. The pale purple colour is unusual for a brassica as I remember most of the ones from last year were yellow with the occasional pink. Enjoy the day with whatever good it brings, everyone. Hugs all around! A Flower a Day #299 (NB while I make every effort to identify the flowers posted, I make no guarantee that the name is correct. It’s about the photograph, not the name.:-) )
To view the info and Flower a Day gallery…
The July Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 299 to view on the full Flower a Day gallery.
A gallery of flowers shared on a daily basis to cheer myself and hopefully you, the viewer too, during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic period. Posts from July 2021
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It is lovely Ellie. Very delicate color but beautiful perfectly formed four little petals. Thanks again for sharing.
Thanks as always, Linda. Such simple perfection as you say.
Hi Ellie …. The Aussie likes the simplicity of that one …. nice title and a super post card for an occasion..
all good in Oz ….
I’m so glad this worked for you, Len.. Keep well and have fun, my Aussie friend.