Purple Aster Imperfection
It’s time for another Worldwide Aster Day, featuring, this time, these purple beauties. They look as if they are perfect at first glance, once again, but closer inspection shows the petals missing and the damage splotches on some. Were those petals there originally, torn off by someone playing the ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ game? Remember that one? If that’s why they are missing, it seems the answer was found very quickly as there is only the odd one missing here or there. Looking at the date on this, this patch of asters was in the garden at the top of the ‘North Mountain/molehill’ that we visited, so wouldn’t count as ‘wild’ asters, but rather tamed ones, which certainly accounts for the rich purple colour. Enjoy today’s perfect imperfection, my friends. Don’t let’s look so closely at things that we miss the overall beauty on show. If you need a hug today, it’s yours! I know I do. Flower a Day #489 View all posts on the Home page.
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