Martha looked up at me as I stood by her walker and said “I know I can’t live at home just now. It’s too cold and they tell me my drive is frozen solid. I could slip on the ice and hurt myself. I have to wait for the summer before I go back.” I looked at the profusely flowering sweet smelling rose beds beside us as I walked slowly with Martha around the nursing home garden. The July heat was intense. “Of course,” I reassured her “your farm is in good hands while you’re here.” But Martha was already gone from me in that moment, looking out of a window far away in her mind….
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G’Day Ellie … Matey I just has a listen and woopie! there was that Nova Scotia lady talking to me … I was going to get a little personal but this could go to the world so I better not . All good here in Oz and give Steve the high fives and we catch up soon .
Thanks for listening and the message, Len. I am glad you didn’t write anything toooo personal, though of course I have to approve all comments, so it would have been ‘edited’ if needed. 😀 I’m glad to hear that things are going well in Oz. Steve says hi too!