We are back indoors today for Flower a Day, featuring – by special request for a special friend – a Pink Flower Day. I am hoping that it cheers and warms more than just that friend – in fact I hope it has that effect on all of you seeing and reading this. These little kalanchoe flowers are so delicate with their tiny yellow centres, the varying values of light to dark pink and the accents of green setting everything off to perfection. We can learn a lot about how colours work together by simply observing the natural world around us. I hope your day is filled with beautiful colours and light, my friends!
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Although there is no relation between them, these kalanchoe flower heads could pass for hydrangeas (assuming, as here, there is no scale to highlight the difference). The individual petals spiral delicately from the centre in the same manner and the colour is of a hue found in hydrangeas. But that is absolutely where any likeness ends – kalanchoes being small succulent, hydrangeas not so much and definitely not small. Oh no, there is another point they both share…and that is, they both, like all flowers, enhance our lives and brighten the landscape wherever they happen to set up home. Thanks, Ellie, for this lovely adornment today.
How clever, I had never noticed any resemblance! But you are so right they really do brighten a day, from the simplest to the most complex of flowers. Thank you once again for your comment, Janet.
Thank you very much Ellie. I do enjoy the flower every day. All the amazing different colours and the way they blend together. Does bring a smile to your face especially on a beautiful sunshiny day like today. Looking forward to going outside and seeing a few early spring flowers that have popped their heads.
I’m so glad you enjoy them, Linda. Bringing a smile to your face (they aren’t easy to come by these days) brings one to mine. Although cooler today, it looks a lovely day, so I hope you do get out to enjoy it. I spotted some flowers on the side of the road yesterday when I was in the car, so I’ll have to go back to check them out. Hugs.