Do you like the name for this flower? I hoped you might, as I made it up! Another surprise flower in a different rewilded patch, it seems to resemble a poppy in its fragility and the type of bud, so I am making an assumption that this is what it is. The reason I make up names is that in order to have unique titles for my posts, I have to give the flowers unique titles. I searched through the list of flowers included in my wildflower mixes and couldn’t find one that resembled this, so perhaps it was a total volunteer! I loved the delicate pink crinkles on this and hope that more will appear next year. Let me know if you have a different name for this lovely thing. See you tomorrow, friends. Enjoy your day. View all posts on the Home page. A Flower a Day #369
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The monthly and full Flower a Day Galleries with current content are below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 369 to view on the project.
- August 21: Click here
- July 21: Click here
- June 21: Click here
- May 21: Click here
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