This dahlia looks rather prettier than I feel when I have just woken up. But flowers have a habit of looking beautiful no matter how dishevelled they are. Happy Friday to all of my friends wherever you are.
The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With these new additions there are now 23 to view. Click or tap to view full size.
A gallery of flowers shared on a daily basis to cheer myself and hopefully you, the viewer too, during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic period.
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The dishelived look is great for the flower but not so good for me. Love the way the flower looks.
Thanks Linda! I know what you mean, I feel the same way about myself, though Steven is very loyal of course and says I look great ha ha!
I love the tones!
Thank you Françoise!
I can relate to this one, Ellie, especially in these times. This is a flower of the times, but still beautiful even if looking somewhat harried and confused. Perfect choice for a frenzied Friday.
Harried and confused! Perfect! I’m glad you can relate. I hope your Friday calms down. Just don’t watch the news!
For a moment I was shocked I thought your grammar had taken a dive, but I see everything is ok and the dahlia is beautiful one of my favourite flowers.
Ha ha! I’m glad you see it, Joyce, and that you like the flower. Thanks so much.
Beautiful flower. Always enjoy your comments on them
Thanks Linda. I always appreciate yours too!