Japanese Pieris

Japanese Pieris
Japanese Pieris

Remember that I went into a garden centre and took photos of the Interstella, Lily of the Valley bush? Well, the other day I looked out of my own window and saw these hanging there! It seems that I have a Lily of the Valley shrub or Japanese (or Andromeda) Pieris right here! Although this is not as colourful as the previous one, the delicacy of the white blooms are set off by tiny yellow caps – you will have to zoom in to see them, but it’s worth it. Our own one is quite large now, reaches almost to the top of our window and is full of these white bunches hanging like grapes, so is a very cheering site right here at home. I send this photo out to all my friends, wishing you all a peaceful Thursday. A Flower a Day #229

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4 Responses

  1. Like miniature Japanese lanterns that are waiting to be hung up for a festival of flowers, these beauties hang in clusters to anticipation. In my mind’s eye, I see them dangling overhead, perhaps with coloured lights in them, casting gentle pastel lighting below…or perhaps they can just be admired as they are, inspiring such thoughts with their simple beauty. Thank you, Ellie, for the vision.

    1. And thank you for sharing it, Janet. For one moment, while I read it, I was transported back to a little cafe terrace in Greece, in the evening, just by the picture you painted.

  2. They are lovely. So delicate looking. Such large clusters. So nice that they are right in your yard. Thanks hope you have a great day.

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