Our outdoor garden centre sections of hardware stores and supermarkets are not yet set up, though the lawnmowers have already made their appearance, lined up in battalions against the outside walls. It’s still not reliably warm enough to risk putting plants outside, but I know it won’t be long before they start to fill up with green promise. In the meantime, the interior of the store is overflowing with lovely tones of different hydrangeas like this one for you for Flower a Day. I hope this pretty one makes a good start to your day, my friends, while those of us in the colder part of the Northern hemisphere wait for things to really get growing here. I have my eye on some crocuses that will hopefully open if this cold rain will stop long enough for them to catch their breaths! Until tomorrow, sending hugs!
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You get a lot of mileage out of that hardware store of yours, Ellie. And that means I do too. This dear Hortensia has the perfect colours for Easter and accentuates that feeling of Spring. I just love the muted colours and the graduation from yellow to lilac. Thanks for ‘spring’ing more positivity our way in the form of these lovely images. Keep ’em coming.
I do! (Home Depot, in case you wondered.) I’m glad you feel you get benefit from these, too,
Janet. Thank you.
Not sure why this comment only partly shows. But certainly this has a very spring feel. And I know that must feel good for you as it does for me. XO