The colour of blue grape hyacinths always surprises me, as it is so concentrated. Somehow I think that I expect these to open and then become paler as the petals spread. But it doesn’t happen and they stay hanging like bunches of elongated grapes, intense and eventually even darker blue! I don’t think I had ever noticed the little tiny white frill at the bottom of each one until now. I must have seen these flowers every year for I can’t imagine how long and never noticed. It just shows how much I must have missed in my life when I actually thought I was noticing such things. The variety of colour in the flowers around me has really come as a surprise, too. When choosing the order for sharing my flowers, I try to vary the colours so that there are not similar ones next to each other and generally it hasn’t been hard to space them far enough apart that the 4 gallery thumbnails below in my post have a good variety. I don’t want you to get bored with my daily offerings. If you are still following along, I am so glad, as you have wonderful stamina! We are now on… A flower a Day #240! Enjoy your day, my faithful friends.
To view the info and gallery…
The Flower a Day Gallery May 2021 with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 240 to view in the main Flower a Day gallery. Click or tap to view full size.
A gallery of flowers shared on a daily basis to cheer myself and hopefully you, the viewer too, during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic period. Posts from May 2021
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We’re realy loving these too (when they were blooming). It’s our first year with them in the front garden.
So lovely to have in your garden. They’ll be back! 🙂 xo
Well, the grape part of the name fits but as a hyacinth, it is an imposter and if they were next to each other, you’d probably notice the resemblance is all in the shape and colour. These plants are small and I love the way they dot the gardens in my neighbourhood, gathering in clusters here and there or spread about almost like a ground cover. The colours can be very intense, as Ellie has noted, but they can also span the hues and even vary within the plant. The little fringe at the bottom of each ‘grape’ makes me think of a bonnet and the plant conjures up the vision of a coat rack hung with quaker bonnets at a barn-raising (or some such gathering). Odd how the mind works…or doesn’t. Thanks Ellie, for provoking another flight of fantasy.
I love reading where my posts take your mind, Janet, it’s truly a fascinating journey! Thanks for taking me on this fantasy trip, as I could just imagine the vision of the bonnets hanging from a coat rack. Thank you!
Thanks so much Ellie I have always loved those flowers. Like you say the colour is intense. And I have never noticed that white trail on the bottom of the petals either. I have to look closer next time. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you have a good day, sending hugs along.
Thanks Linda. Enjoy your day, let’s hope the weather picks up a bit.