Grace and Resilience


The Journey Passed in a Blur 1

There is something that I love about the bare pre-winter landscape with its white birch trunks slim and a little twisted against the rich tones of brown, green and gold vegetation. The black and white project this fortnight had a theme of 'blur' and so I took many unsharp and intentional blurs to be able to pick one that worked best. The photographs I took on this car ride on the highway were so much nicer in colour that I hadn't the heart to strip the life out of them and turn them black and white. I like how the movement in the image reflects the resilience of these slender trunks and bushes and how they have survived storms of wind, rain, ice and snow to grace the fields at the side of the road.

My posts are all on my blog: .

#unsharpsaturday #softfocussaturday +Unsharp Saturday v2.0 by +Alex Lapidus +Julianne Bockius +Jetski +Patrice Christian +Nadia Cantou-Pewinski
#LandscapePhotography +Landscape Photography +Margaret Tompkins +Dave Gaylord +Eric Drumm +Jeff Beddow +David D +Bill Wood +Tim Newton +Chandler L. Walker +Ronald Varley +Hamid Dastmalchi +Sylvia Ting
#hqspmotion +HQSP Motion curated by +Anja Wessels


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28 Responses

  1. +Ellie Kennard​ – In general, I'm not at liberty to say what features will get introduced into the beta, but I can say I hear the feedback for these features. I am doing better thanks 🙂 (Had a nasty cold these last 5 days, yuck)

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