The Journey Passed in a Blur 1
There is something that I love about the bare pre-winter landscape with its white birch trunks slim and a little twisted against the rich tones of brown, green and gold vegetation. The black and white project this fortnight had a theme of 'blur' and so I took many unsharp and intentional blurs to be able to pick one that worked best. The photographs I took on this car ride on the highway were so much nicer in colour that I hadn't the heart to strip the life out of them and turn them black and white. I like how the movement in the image reflects the resilience of these slender trunks and bushes and how they have survived storms of wind, rain, ice and snow to grace the fields at the side of the road.
My posts are all on my blog: .
#unsharpsaturday #softfocussaturday +Unsharp Saturday v2.0 by +Alex Lapidus +Julianne Bockius +Jetski +Patrice Christian +Nadia Cantou-Pewinski
#LandscapePhotography +Landscape Photography +Margaret Tompkins +Dave Gaylord +Eric Drumm +Jeff Beddow +David D +Bill Wood +Tim Newton +Chandler L. Walker +Ronald Varley +Hamid Dastmalchi +Sylvia Ting
#hqspmotion +HQSP Motion curated by +Anja Wessels
Hi Ellie
+علاء حسين thanks for your visit.
Thanks very much +Adéla Lapčíková
Thank you for your visit +Adem Çakmaklı
İyi Akşamlar ellie
+Ellie Kennard – In general, I'm not at liberty to say what features will get introduced into the beta, but I can say I hear the feedback for these features. I am doing better thanks 🙂 (Had a nasty cold these last 5 days, yuck)
Thanks a lot +Leo Deegan – I trust that will be implemented in the version when the beta is finalized (including, dare I hope, the ability to zoom images?). Hope you are well.
+Ellie Kennard – Are you referring to the "Embed post" option that's found in the classic desktop UI? I don't believe the beta UI currently has that option, so you'd have to switch back to classic to select that option.
+Leo Deegan– do you know how we are to embed posts in blogs (wp installations) as the 'embed post' option is not (immediately) apparent?
Love it, I need to start again taking blurry pics before I forget all that we learned. 😀
Awesome unsharp shot!
What a wonderful landscape.. and indeed I think you captured the soul of this place ..
Thanks a lot +Sumit Sen
Thank you +Sofia Ankova
+Jetski thank you. It's the feeling I wanted to give.
Thanks +Don Willard – you are right. It beats man-made every time.
+Leonardo Hervacio Arenas thanks a lot, Leonardo!
Beautiful scene!
Very nice photo's: nothing quite like nature, I always enjoy such views, wonderful superb I'll say.
I am enjoying the windswept qualities found here.. and keeping the color was a good call :))
Great photo Ellie. It reminds me of a famous painter. I can't remember his
name but I am sure we will come up with it next time we talk.
+Rick Leaf thanks a lot.
Thank you +Stephen Thackeray 😀
A beautiful image +Ellie Kennard
Thanks so much +Alex Lapidus!
I love your story of these trees!