Goldenrod Seeds

Canadian Goldenrod Seeds
Canadian Goldenrod seeds

Today’s Flower a Day treat is a fluffy one, the seeds from the Canadian Goldenrod flowers. From a distance, in late summer the edges of paths and fields look as if a giant pillow fight has resulted in white fluff spread over the countryside. A closer look at these plants reveals within the white strands a complexity of tiny threads and dark stems and seeds that are like a little universe. So little is as simple as it appears from a distance. It’s always worth a closer look. Enlarging this photo in the gallery shows the detail better.
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5 Responses

  1. Well, well, another WWAD, although this is one is less obvious than some. Wrongly maligned by some as a contributer to seasonal allergies, Canadian Goldenrod is, in my view, one of the unsung heroes of the plant world. It has medicinal properties which can serve to treat and ameliorate a wide swath of medical problems too numerous to list here and it is also makes a lovely tea, from its leaves of course. Apart from that, there is no more common a canadian sight at the height of summer than a wild field or meadow of gold. I have one near me and when the sun is setting, it is literally aglow with yellow, warming both the heart and the eye. But when the colour fades, as it does for us all, is it any less interesting? I say no. It merely requires of us a more inquiring inspection to appreciate the intricate universe within. It does not disappoint as Ellie’s photo shows. Thank you, Ellie.

    1. I always defend this beautiful flower as, even though I have repeated more than once on here that goldenrod is not the source of allergies that everyone makes it out to be, people still insist on thinking that it is. I have to say that this poor reputation doesn’t seem to bother the plant at all as it continues to give us such a beautiful display every year. Trust you to spot my sneaky world wild aster day submission! I was hoping to pass this one under the radar, but I should have known it wouldn’t get past you! And thank you for highlighting the benefits of this plant. Maybe others will look into its properties following your comment. Thanks again, janet.

  2. Love it Ellie. The colours the contrast it does brighten the countryside and like you say, if you look closer you can see more details.

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