After the colourful crocus image posted yesterday, today’s is an attempt to get the sun back into our corner of the world. I don’t know if I have any influence in that department, but if the sun does shine for you today, you’re welcome. 😀 This was growing in the same patch (we call them all Molly’s flowers) as yesterday’s and is even a little shorter in stature. Behind them grow some that are a deep purple and are taller, which, if they open up (a bit of warmth might do the trick) I will try to photograph. On my walk yesterday I spotted some growing in a muddy ditch. Talk about treasures, they were lovely, as if shining in that drab late winter environment. Spring brings us so much hope. We must cling to it as it makes it possible to get out of bed every day and keep going. For those heading into fall and winter, that also brings a promise of a new spring (just a little longer to wait).
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Love it Ellie. It was nice to see all the different colours you have growing in your yard. They are such bright spots at this time of the years. Gives us hope that warmer weather is on the way
You are right, Linda, this time of year our gardens can look rather empty so all of ours (best year yet for them) really do cheer us. Thanks Linda.