Fall Purple Coneflower
Time is going so quickly, the fall is really gaining momentum here. When I tried to ID this flower, the app pointed me to the Purple Coneflower, which made me think it was wrong. But of course the flower of that name that I posted here from the summer was in the bloom of youth. This is the fall, or autumn view, I assume, looking faded but still beautiful. It is not as faded as the ‘Fruition’ which you saw here 2 weeks ago (and can see in the gallery). This is a kind of intermediate stage in the natural progression. Each phase has its own beauty. There is a special elegance in the aging of flowers, without the attendant sadness when people and animals get older. If we aged with the same grace as these I wouldn’t mind. But I would happily let the plants go through these lovely changes knowing they will return with fresh vigour in the spring, and I would retain all of the promise of youth, myself. That is, of course, not possible at the moment. Keeping the post upbeat, let us appreciate all of the qualities that aging brings, including wisdom, experience, tolerance and compassion from a life well lived. And let us not worry too much about our own fading and wrinkling petals and weakening stems. I hope you see some fall beauty around you today, or, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, enjoy the glories of spring! View all posts on the Home page. A Flower a Day #403
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The monthly and full Flower a Day Galleries with current content are below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 403 to view on the project.
- September 21: Click here
- August 21: Click here
- July 21: Click here
- June 21: Click here
- May 21: Click here
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