
A blue and brown dragonfly is resting on a branch that has cobwebs on it. Its wings look a little the worse for wear, like the cobwebs.
Dragonfly, Miner’s Marsh

This photo was taken a few years ago in Miner’s Marsh in Kentville reserve, one warm August noon. I hadn’t even seen this beautiful creature as I was busy photographing the sandpiper featured in the post from the other day until Steven pointed it out, so thanks to him for this summer memory on this snowy day today. Wherever these are now, we’ll see them again soon.

He’s featured in my Animals Gallery.

10 Responses

  1. Gorgeous! I love how transparent it is and the colours add so much beauty! A very beautiful image, Ellie! So fresh!

  2. Wonderful. J’ai vu une fois au printemps une libellule voler au-dessus du Canal du Midi avec une lumière extra. Mais comme je n’étais pas préparée à faire cette rencontre, je n’ai pas essayé de la prendre en photo. Ta libellule vivra pour toujours grâce à ta photo ! Merci Ellie ! Bisous

    1. Merci, chère Patricia! Ils volent tellement vite et sont tellement nerveuses que j’étais ravie quand Steven en a trouvé une reposante pour une fois!
      Au moins tu a la mémoire.

  3. Good catch, Ellie. I always want to photograph these beautiful creatures but they never stay still long enough. This fellow/fella has considerately struck a fine pose for you. We are all glad he did.

    1. Thanks Janet. It’s so rare to find one that stops for long enough to focus on them. I was really pleased to find this one so accommodating.

  4. Amazing colours and design on the wings. Beautiful thanks for sharing. Something to look forward to this summer.

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