Crumpled Poppy

Crumpled Poppy

Crumpled Poppy

  This beautiful little wild poppy was in one of my less successful wilded flower gardens this past summer. There was something about it that really appealed to me, as it looked as if it had slept in its fragile red silk dress, crumpling it beyond any smoothing. Poppies often look unpressed when they first emerge, but it seems that the deceptive force of their growth makes the petals strong and smooth very quickly. This one somehow just didn’t manage the strength to do that, or perhaps it’s a crumpled variety, meant to remain forever wrinkled. Even so, the centre glows with life and light. Whether you feel wrinkled and fragile or strong and smooth today, enjoy the day as much as you can. I send a warm hug to you all, crumpled or strong. Flower a Day #482 View all posts on the Home page.  

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