This was taken on another late afternoon walk with Joni and Linda at low tide with a threatening sky framing the horizon. (It frequently seems to be threatening over Blomidon Cliff that you see in the distance…. or is it that I just like to take photographs when the sky is heavy with cloud??)
Storms will often leave a changed landscape and on the latest of those walks we could really see the difference in the formation of the sandy cliff walls and the trees that had fallen down the sides of the face. The light was just hitting the sand and the end of that spit of land.
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#coastalthursday +Coastal Thursday by +David Polzine +Jon Kahn
#landscapephotography +Landscape Photography +Landscape Photography Show +Margaret Tompkins +Jim Warthman +Kevin Rowe +Johan Peijnenburg +David Heath Williams +Tom Hierl +Carolyn Lim +Howard L. Smith +Kai Kosonen +Sheila B. DuBois +Toshi Nakamura +David Pilasky +Bill Wood
#hqsplandscape +HQSP Landscape curated by +Nader El Assy +Michael Garza +Leo Schubert +David D +Jesse Martineau +Mike Hankey
#bellesphotos +Belles photos by +Jean-Louis LAURENCE +Claudya Bonnet
#PhotoManiaCanada by +Giselle Savoie +Mark HELM
+Ellie Kennard You are most welcome, thank you for sharing your beautiful image!
It does. I have lived in very many beautiful places, this is the latest and it was photography that has helped me to really see and explore (and share) its beauty. +Lynn David Newton
Happily for you, Nova Scotia has its own beauty of a type that few of us ever get to see.
No, Lynn, I haven't travelled anywhere in AZ, though I would love to see that part of the world. I bet it was amazing to see. +Lynn David Newton
+Ellie Kennard Have you ever traveled in Arizona red rock country? The Grand Canyon, Sedona, etc.? Unlike most anywhere else in the world. Sedona was less than two hours drive from our home, so we got up there often. Grand Canyon a bit longer. A massive area extending up into Utah and other places I guess. The lighting on this picture is kind of like that. (Except not as red as AZ.)
+Ursula Klepper thank you so much, my friend. I'm very glad you like it. 😀
+Belles photos and +Claudya Bonnet merci beaucoup! And thank you very much!
I love to read your thoughtful comments as well, thanks +Lynn David Newton – I love to hear what you find appealing about each post. The cliffs have a very pleasing red tone to them that is always stronger at times of sunset or late afternoon.
+Dag Travner thank you very much!
+Rekha Rao thank you very much
Thanks a lot, Sumit! +Sumit Sen
+Photo Mania Canada – thank you as always! And thank you for resharing my image and adding me to the circle! +Giselle Savoie and +Mark HELM
Next time, or at least maybe sometime +Christina Lihani? It's a great place to walk around here, but there are lots of others too. I'm still discovering them all.
Me too, +Shelly Gunderson – that's what it is, for sure. And thank you.
+Heiko Mahr thanks a lot, Heiko!
+Landscape Photography Show Thank you so much and for resharing my image! +Margaret Tompkins
+Liz C – I'm so glad you like it!
Thanks a lot +Mari Luukkonen
Wonderful composition, light and colors, I like the feeling of it! Have a great start in this New Year! Hugs!!
This is so beautiful! Fabulous shot 🙂
Skies with threatening clouds provide some of the best background. So dramatic. And often broken enough that you might catch moments of sunshine leaking through at the same time. There's enough light in that shot to make the cliff appear warm in contrast. It's beautiful.
Cette photo est belle ….
Merci de partager avec la page belles photos…
Happy new year…. ;-))))…
Une trés bonne année….;-))))… Claudya BONNET
Congratulation +Ellie Kennard your photograph has been selected to be displayed at +Photo Mania Canada #photomaniacanada. You will also be added to the Canadian Photographers Circle for January.
Have a great day! 🙂
+Giselle Savoie and +Mark HELM
Thank you.
A wonderful image.
Beautiful photo +Ellie Kennard .
Gorgeous image.. Great drama!
Very beautiful. I like clouds, they make the image more interesting a lot of the time I think. Happy New Year!
Sigh… wish I was walking along with you all too!
Wonderful image!
Oh just lovely…
I love the wonderful colors!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!! It's my pleasure to share your amazing photo to the +Landscape Photography page! Check out all the great photos there including yours!! +Margaret Tompkins