


Shut your eyes… wait… okay, now OPEN them! Yes, we are back in the early summer with all that implies. Feel the lazy heat, hear the bees droning around the flowers, see the gorgeous, frivolous clematis flowers climbing up the support, their voluptuous pink veined petals spilling over each other and almost hiding the trellis behind. My friend, who has the greenest thumbs and fingers of any, treated me to a ‘socially distanced’ visit to her garden and I got so many beautiful photos, including her beautiful Kwanzan Cherry blossom that I shared around the time of my visit. I feel that although summer is well and truly over and the colour is all in the trees now, such reminders of summer beauty as this can only brighten our days even more. So expect more of them through the colder, darker months in the Northern Hemisphere. I wish you all a lovely Sunday. View all posts on the Home page.  A Flower a Day #407

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The monthly and full Flower a Day Galleries with current content are below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post there are now 407 to view on the project.