Cherry Plum Blossom

Cherry plum blossom
Cherry plum blossom

Although blossom season is long over and the fruits are past on this too, no doubt, I love the flowers so much that I know you won’t mind a spring photo for a change again. These were in our orchard and I took my camera up to where Steven was cleaning up the fallen branches and generally tidying after the winter storms. Hugs to all, friends. Enjoy your Friday. A Flower a Day #335

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4 Responses

  1. As I gaze at your dear cherry blossoms, I feel the need for a poem…hence this excerpt from one by Jorge Styles: As its life won’t last long, the cherry blossom is remembered for the short time in bloom,
    Not the rest of its life developing its beauty.
    Let us stand out, be a sight to see
    And like the cherry blossom, we find our shine.
    Let us be remembered for our bloom.
    Thank you, Ellie, for this remembrance.

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