

A kind friend brought us this tiny bouquet (it fits in an eggcup) for our anniversary yesterday and so it must be the subject of today’s Flower a Day post! She says these are still growing outside, which is amazing to me with the cold weather we have had lately. I had to look this one up too, as I had never seen calendula flowers growing before. I only know the homeopathic remedy, which I have often used. We were delighted with their bright cheeriness and such thoughtfulness on the part of my friend. I wish everyone a bright and cheery day with loving friendships that bring such happiness.

The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post and additional throwback post image there are now 99 to view. Click or tap to view full size.

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4 Responses

  1. Ah, I thought upon opening the post, it’s another aster…or, is it a daisy? As it turns it out, it’s both! And a beautiful example of each. This shot illustrates beautifully how the fine-tipped crepe petals unfold into a full-faced sunny and simple bloom, with its petals piled decorously upon one another to form the perfect frame for the dark centre. It’s also a mini pumpkin-coloured sunflower, another of its many connections and it wears that description with pride. However you choose to think of it, this sweet bloom is always associated with good wishes for a happy day. It has fulfilled its mission. Thank you, Ellie.

    1. Well your genealogical plant research is really paying dividends on this project, I am learning as much from you as from the quick searches I do myself! Thanks Janet. I’m glad it worked for you too!

  2. That is a beautiful photo. The color is even more intense than I imagined and the deep centers really pop it is a beautiful little flower. Thanks for sharing

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