
Ornamental cabbage
Ornamental cabbage

Today’s Flower a Day photograph, one I took yesterday, is this beautiful ornamental cabbage! Who would have thought there would still be flowers blooming in Nova Scotia in January? (I know that there are snowdrops or other bulbs coming up in some gardens in the Northern Hemisphere now, but this is, as I said, Nova Scotia, Canada, and we are not anywhere near there yet – our winter has barely begun!) I found this outside a farm shop and it looked absolutely perfect, so intricate and furled and frilled and yet at the same time so…. bold. Bold to be there, outside, in the freezing day looking as lovely as any tropical plant. We may not all be like lilies, orchids or even asters, but we can be just as beautiful as cabbages in our own way. I hope that doesn’t sound too weird, for any who have read this far! Have a wonderful day, filled with your own kind of beauty.
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4 Responses

  1. Ornamental Cabbage! Wonderful! The name doesn’t do it justice. So, how about Flowering Kale? A little bit better, maybe. I’ve always loved these plants since I first came across them in a enclave of Toronto known as, wait for it….Cabbagetown, of all things. They have a Forsythia Festival in spring and in the fall, these ornamental cabbages appear on people’s doorsteps to pay homage to their little town within the larger city. I could not believe the diversity of beauty in these cousins of a mostly debased vegetable. Absolutely stunning! Like this one Ellie has given us, like a bouquet or large rosette, or a burst of fireworks in a container, endlessly fascinating and enthralling. Thank you for reminding me of the alternative splendour of vegetables, Ellie.

    1. I am so delighted that you love these as I do, Janet! That’s one more thing we have in common. And I’m equally pleased that you like the photo. Apparently edible, though bitter (but how could one bear to tear them out of the ground to eat?) they are the beauty pageant queens of the brassica world. I lived to hear your thoughts. XO

  2. That certainly would have been a beautiful bright surprise. Lovely colour – it does look like a burst of sunshine! Thanks for sharing.

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