
Prairie blazingstar, Liatris pycnostachya
Prairie blazingstar, Liatris pycnostachya

This beautiful flower was photographed in our area a few years ago, though I have no memory of exactly where. I am not 100% sure of the name, but a search seemed to consistently give me this result, so I am going with it. Its beautiful colour and lovely contrast to the bee on it made it one that I wanted to include in my A Flower a Day project. My thought is that a bee merits a posting! So enjoy the bee and the blazingstar and have a lovely day friends.

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4 Responses

  1. Upon reading the name of today’s flower, I had an image, but I must say that the reality did not match. What came to mind upon viewing today’s portrait was ‘bottlebrush’ which, of course, is a flower, or tree, but not in this colour, not even the same genus, no relation whatsoever! No, I think you have the name correct, Ellie. There’s no accounting for how this plant came to be so-called. How about ‘purple tassel’, or ‘lacey plumes’, or ‘purple splendour’, or just plain ‘magnificence’? A rose by any other name…. The bee knows and so does the eye. I know too. Resplendent! Thank you.

  2. It does have an amazing color and all those little petals I guess look like little tentacles coming out from the flower beautiful capture. Thank you very much and hope you have a wonderful day

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